Today was our first test transmisson of 2023.
Our transmitter is a homemade version of the Corsair running 10watts carrier and we decided to carry out the broadcast from a remote location in the woods as we wanted to get a half size dipole erected.
The halfwave dipole was placed in an inverted V style at 8 metres above ground.
The 12v battery wasn't ideal as it was only 2.3Ah lead acid but that's all we had to hand last minute but this last for an 1 hour and half so was able to provide a good site test. After the test transmission we received 5 different reception reports!
Dave in North West Ireland - S7
Klaus from SW-Germany - Weak
Patrick QTH: Sheffield - SINPO code rating of 24222
Kostiantyn in Ukraine but using Online SDR in Ireland - SINPO: 45444
Shortwave DX blog - SINPO 23432
New battery on order and maybe some improvements to the antenna.
Good to see some old school 'out in the field' broadcasting.